Liesmas sensors
Liesmas sensors

Liesmas sensors

Liesmas devēja modulis

7 vienības:
2,90 €


Various flame, fire detection

Module Features:

  • One can detect a flame or in a 760 nanometer wavelength of ~ 1100 nm range of the light, lighter flame test distance of 80cm, for the greater flame, the farther the distance test
  • the detection angle of 60 degrees or so, particularly sensitive to the flame spectrum
  • sensitivity adjustable (shown in blue digital potentiometer adjustment)
  • the comparator output signal clean, good waveform, driving ability, more than 15mA
  • with adjustable precision potentiometer sensitivity adjustment
  • the working voltage of 3.3V-5V
  • the output format: digital switching outputs (0 and 1)
  • a fixed bolt holes for easy installation
  • small plates PCB Size: 3.2cm x 1.4cm
  • using a wide voltage LM393 comparator


Module for use:

  • the flame sensor flame most sensitive to ordinary light is also a reaction, generally used as a flame alarm purposes.
  • a small plate output interface can be directly connected to the microcontroller IO port
  • with the flame sensor to maintain a certain distance, so as not to damage the sensor temperature, the flame of a lighter test distance 80cm, for the greaterflame, the farther the distance test
Darba spriegums:
atsevišķs modulis
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