Slide position potentiometer (analog) Double Row 10KOhm
Potenciometrs (Double Row) - sliders (analogs) 10K
Electronic building block double linear potentiometer module ForArduino mixer linear sliding resistance
Wiring instructions: Connect the main controller to the main controller according to the standard interface of the sensor module. The symbol "G" is connected to the "ground", "V" to "5V" and "S" to the "ForArduino" A0 and A1 pins of the main controller. Burn the test program.
test program:
void setup ()
Serial.begin (9600);
void loop ()
Serial.print ("NUM1 ---");
Serial.print (analogRead (0));
Serial.println ();
Serial.print ("NUM2 ---");
Serial.print (analogRead (1));
Serial.println ();
Open the serial monitor, you can see the value changes with the slider slide change
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