4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637
4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637

4 Bits Digital Tube LED Display Module TM1637

4-digit led display with TM1637

4 vienības:
2,60 €

The module is a 12-foot clock with 4 points of positive digital (0.36 inches) display module driver IC TM1637, only two signal lines can make SCM four 8-segment LED.
Module features are as follows: 
  • Display of male red for the four digital tube
  • Adjustable digital tube 8 gray
  • Level control interface for 5V or 3.3V
  • 4 M2 screws positioning holes for easy installation
4 digital display interface module as shown below:
  • Control Interface: A total of four pins (GND, VCC, DIO, CLK), GND to ground, VCC is the power supply, DIO of data input and output pin, CLK is the clock signal pin;
  • Digital tube: 4 common anode score points with 0.36 inches LED, red highlights;
  • Positioning holes: 4 M2 screws positioning hole diameter is 2.2mm, the positioning of the module is easy to install, to achieve inter-module combination;



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