2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable
2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable

2860 Point PCB Breadboard with 65PCS Jumper Cable

Izkārtojuma plāksne 2860 punktu ar virkni savienojuma kabeli (65 gab.)

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19,50 €

(19,50 € kompl.)


They allow electronic components to be interconnected in an almost endless number of ways are joined together to produce working circuits. Because no soldering is required, modifying or revising the circuits can be done quite easily The breadboard consists of a set of formed metal sockets inserted into a durable plastic housing There are 2 switches and 2860 tie point They allow electronic components to be interconnected in an almost endless number of ways are joined together to produce working circuits.
Because no soldering is required, modifying or revising the circuits can be done quite easily
The breadboard consists of a set of formed metal sockets inserted into a durable plastic housing
There are 2 switches and 2860 tie point
The solderless breadboard is an invaluable tool for the most demanding prototyping and design applications, whether in the R&D or university lab.

Base Plate Size (L x W x H): Approx 240 x 200 x 3 mm / 9.5 x 7.9 x 0.12 inches
Breadboard Size (L x W x H): Approx 186 x 184 x 9mm / 7.3 x 7.2 x 0.35 inches

Comes with 65 jumpwires:

  • Cable Length: Approx 23.5 / 9.3 inches (4 pieces), 20cm / 7.9 inches (4 pieces), 16cm / 6.3 inches (8pcs), 11.4 cm / 4.5 inches (49pcs)

Material: Plastic
Color: White and Green

Package Includes:

  • 1 x breadboard
  • 65 x jump wire
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