PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger
PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger

PD/QC/AFC Fast charge decoy trigger

Detektors sliekšņa ātrās uzlādes

1 Vienība
5,30 €


Support inducement

5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V voltage

Fast charging protocols:PD2.0/PD3.0, QC2.0/QC3.0, and AFC

Voltage: 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V (voltage step is not supported)

Voltage regulation: According to the table on the back of the board, adjust the dip

switch to control the voltage output


1. Since there is no voltage indicator after adjusting the dip switch, use a multimeter to measure the voltage before connecting to the appl ication circuit.

2. If the dip switch is not adjusted according to the table, the module will output any voltage of the above voltage.

1 Vienība
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