TP4056 Lithium Battery Charging Board 1A USB...
TP4056 Lithium Battery Charging Board 1A USB...
TP4056 Lithium Battery Charging Board 1A USB Type C
TP4056 Lithium Battery Charging Board 1A USB Type C

TP4056 Lithium Battery Charging Board 1A USB Type C

Litija baterijas uzlādētu modulis (sprieguma 3.7v) Mini Usb

7 vienības:
1,30 €


The first time you access the battery, it may no voltage between the output OUT + and OUT-, then access 5V voltage charge your energy can activate the protection circuit, and the battery from the B + B-, then draw a line on the short open also need recharged to activate the protection circuit. Note that the charger must be able to output 1A or more to do when using a mobile phone charger input, or may not charge

   + Mini USB female and next - pads for the power input, access 5V. B + positive then the lithium battery, B- then negative lithium batteries. OUT + and OUT- connected to the load, such as positive and negative electrodes connected mobile booster plate or other load.
   Connect the battery to the B + B-, inserted into the USB female mobile phone charger, the red light is being charged, the green light to full.

The charge should disconnect the load OUT terminal on the positive and negative can not be wrong, please according to specifications, otherwise it will damage directly.

The charge should disconnect the load OUT terminal on the positive and negative can not be wrong, please according to specifications, otherwise it will damage directly.


  • Inputs with Mini USB female, can be directly input to do with the phone charger rechargeable lithium battery,
  • And still retains the input voltage wiring pads, can be very convenient DIY
  • Input voltage: 5V
  • Charging cut-off voltage: 4.2V ± 1%
  • Maximum charge current: 1000mA
  • Battery over-discharge protection voltage: 2.5V
  • Battery overcurrent protection current: 3A
  • Board size: 2.6 * 1.7CM
7 vienības:
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