MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр
MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр
MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр
MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр
MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр
MPU-9250 Гироскоп+Акселерометр+Магнитометр


Гироскоп + Акселерометр + Магнитометр

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6,80 €



The MPU-9250 is the second generation 9-axis MotionTracking device for smartphones, tablets, wearable sensors, and other consumer markets. The MPU-9250, 9-axis MotionTracking device incorporates the latest InvenSense design innovations, enabling dramatically reduced chip size and power consumption, while at the same time improving performance and cost.


The MPU-9250 includes the following features:

  • Auxiliary master I2 C bus for reading data from external sensors (e.g. pressure sensor)
  • 3.5mA operating current when all 9 motion sensing axes and the DMP are enabled
  • VDDIO reference voltage for auxiliary I 2 C devices
  • Smallest and thinnest QFN package for portable devices: 3x3x1mm
  • Minimal cross-axis sensitivity between the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer axes
  • 512 byte FIFO buffer enables the applications processor to read the data in bursts
  • Digital-output temperature sensor
  • User-programmable digital filters for gyroscope, accelerometer, and temp sensor
  • 10,000 g shock tolerant
  • 400kHz Fast Mode I2 C for communicating with all registers
  • 1MHz SPI serial interface for communicating with all registers

Technical Specifications

  • Chip : MPU-9250
  • Power supply :3-5V ( internal low dropout regulator )
  • Communication: standard IIC communication protocol
    Chip 16bit AD converter, 16 outputs the data
  • Using Immersion Gold PCB, machine soldering process to ensure quality
  • Header pitch: 2.54mm
  • Module size 15mm x 25mm


The triple-axis MEMS gyroscope in the MPU-9250 includes a wide range of features:

  • Digital-output X-, Y-, and Z-Axis angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) with a user-programmable fullscale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec and integrated 16-bit ADCs
  • Digitally-programmable low-pass filter
  • Gyroscope operating current: 3.2mA
  • Sleep mode current: 8µA
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity scale factor
  • Self-test


The triple-axis MEMS accelerometer in MPU-9250 includes a wide range of features:

  • Digital-output triple-axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g and integrated 16-bit ADCs
  • Accelerometer normal operating current: 450µA
  • Low power accelerometer mode current: 8.4µA at 0.98Hz, 19.8µA at 31.25Hz
  • Sleep mode current: 8µA
  • User-programmable interrupts
  • Wake-on-motion interrupt for low power operation of applications processor
  • Self-test


The triple-axis MEMS magnetometer in MPU-9250 includes a wide range of features:

  • 3-axis silicon monolithic Hall-effect magnetic sensor with magnetic concentrator
  • Wide dynamic measurement range and high resolution with lower current consumption.
  • Output data resolution of 14 bit (0.6µT/LSB) or 16 bit (15µT/LSB)
  • Full scale measurement range is ±4800µT
  • Magnetometer normal operating current: 280µA at 8Hz repetition rate
  • Self-test function with internal magnetic source to confirm magnetic sensor operation on end products


  • TouchAnywhere™ technology (for “no touch” UI Application Control/Navigation)
  • MotionCommand™ technology (for Gesture Short-cuts)
  • Motion-enabled game and application framework
  • Location based services, points of interest, and dead reckoning
  • Handset and portable gaming
  • Motion-based game controllers
  • 3D remote controls for Internet connected DTVs and set top boxes, 3D mice
  • Wearable sensors for health, fitness and sports

Documents and Downloads

  • Product Support page for MPU9250 sensor chip
  • MPU9250 Device datasheet
  • Arduino Library for MPU9250 sensor module

Package Includes

  • 1x MPU9250 Module
  • 1x 10pin male-to-male header (un soldered)
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